
The experience of meeting you and witnessing your expressions in movement, music, water, and fabric was very powerful for me, as well as my partner. I resonate deeply with the truth you witness to--the healing powers of water, in so many different forms...from within, from without, ocean, river, rain, human..

— Susan, Northeast Premiere Guest, 2023


October 14th

4pm & 5pm

Berkley Riverfront Park,

Kansas City, MO


* If you are unable to attend our evening premiere on the 26th, we will be back at Marion Mahony on August 27th, to share with passersby. LOW will be performed on the hour, between 1pm - 4pm.

No RSVP necessary *

Language of Waves is a performance that explores water--symbol of the inner world and that which brings life to the land. Expect an enveloping experience that weaves movement, sound, ceremony and place to cradle the audience in a felt sense of the aqueous. We hope you will join us for this free performance designed to inspire conversation and connection to the natural world, stemming the tide of separation from each other and our Earth.

we are water ~ dancing water ~

we are water ~ dancing water ~

Sara and Dad : Atlantic Ocean


I grew up studying waves in the Pacific Ocean. starting at a very young age, My dad and I would wade out to where the waves would begin their break - finding the most excitement in figuring out how to respond to the curls, rips and crashes that accompany the swirling of the water. Dad would remind me that when the wave begins to foam, you have to make a choice, and you have to make it fast… are you going to swim under? try to ride the wave? or let it crash and take you into its underbelly? even when I found myself being swallowed by the water and then spit out on the shore, It was in these moments that I felt most compelled to wade back out, and listen deeper.

A few years ago, I found myself wading alone in the rip-roaring Atlantic. My anxiety began to grow as I felt myself being taken from the shore. I recalled my dad’s advice to quiet my fear, and to listen deeply.

As I grounded myself into the rhythm of the current, I began to find peace in my understanding of the language of waves. I no longer felt the need escape - to find separateness from - the water. In recognizing my alikeness to it, I realized I was safe, I was free. I heard to ocean whisper, “thank you for joining me.”

- Sara Schroerlucke

The scale of ailments our globe faces can be overwhelming. No individual will solve even one of our existential threats. still, we we can offer our gifts to what must be a collective effort. We believe that art/artists hold a key and a responsibility in shifting our collective behaviors and relationship to the natural world. Language of waves is our offering.

The L.O.W. Team

  • Sara Schroerlucke


  • Max McFarland


  • Maxine Patronik


  • Maia Welbel


  • Erik Stockler


  • Emily Meringolo


  • Maché Sánchez


  • Simon Harrison


Waters of the Pennacook, Nipmuk, Wabanaki

Connecticut River

Waters of the Peoria; Osage

The Great Lakes; Midwest

Waters of the Tongva

Pacific Ocean


    “My most favorite magic trick in the presence of shame, vulnerability and discomfort is to disappear myself, entirely. I can flip a cognitive switch that ejects my mind from my body with complete and total efficiency. But you can’t dissociate in the sea. Not without risking your life. The first lesson the ocean taught me is to never turn my back on it unless I wanted to chance embarrassment, injury or worse.”


    “Drought really has nothing to do with dryness at all. The yearning to: break the cycle of dry abyss, release one’s self from lack, flow again, quench one’s thirst, and experience an environment so abundantly nourished — this is the energy that makes up drought. It is the spiraling through never-ending cycles of desire.”


    “Lakes are so many different things to me: a place to gather, celebrate, exhale, cry, think, explore, and relax. They are both distinctive landmarks we’ve built communities around and ever-fluctuating boundaries, a source of rich biodiversity and often ecological crisis.”


    “I watch the river go. It is solely interested in the business of flow , and reminds me, in my own life, to do the same. It’s not so much that the river screams ‘GO,’ but that, it is wise enough to know that together in the way of its own impeccable timing - to question its personal momentum - would be to doubt its place in the grander scheme of things…”

Join Our LOW Campaign

For the Month of April, UneARTh is selling repurposed goods and clothing to raise money for our summer tour. All proceeds will support our summer tour.

Items go live on 4/22.

Your donation supports:

Our team of Artists • Travel Expenses • Community Installation • Set Design • Camera Equipment • Sound Equipment • Costuming • Lights • Creation of a Documentary • Art that serves Earth Work